Jablotron JA-103KR centrala
790.00 KM
JA-103KR centrala za protivprovalni, protivpožarni, protivpoplavni sistem + sistem pametne kuće * Besplatan Cloud, SMS i Push Up obaveštenja * Kontrola preko aplikacije, računara ili tastature * Memorija na serveru i u SD kartici (do7 miliona događaja), Auto-dijagnostika, tačan prikaz stanja baterija i RF signala * LAN konekcija, proširivo na GSM modulom JA-192Y * do 50 bežičnih ili BUS adresa * do 50 korisnika * 8 particija * do 32 PG izlaza *
The required adjustments and sizing of the system are programmed through the F-Link software (from version 2.0.0).
The JA-103K control panel offers:
The following products with the control panel ARE NOT COMPATIBLE:
- 50 wireless or bus devices
- 50 users
- 8 sections
- 32 programmable PG outputs
- 20 mutually independent calendar events
- 8 user SMS and voice reports
- 5 ARCs can be set
- 5 selectable protocols for an ARC
- 1 terminal board for bus connection
- 1 connector for a built-in radio module (JA-111R)
- 1 connector for a GSM/GPRS communicator (JA-192Y)
- Maintenance
- Day/night mode
- Short departure response
- Automatic setting
- Advanced calendar features
The following products with the control panel ARE NOT COMPATIBLE:
- JA-180A (wireless outdoor siren)
- JA-154J (bi-directional remote control)
- JA-190X (PSTN communicator module)
- The JA-112E (keyboard) is compatible with FW LU61501 and higher
- The JA-113E (keyboard) is compatible with FW LU61601 and higher
- The JA-118N (PG Bus Output Module) is compatible with LY68003 and higher
- FW version LY68002 and lower works only when the PG range is set in the F-Link up to a maximum value of 32
- The JA-110I (section or PG bus indicator) is compatible only when the PG range is set in the F-Link up to a maximum value of 32